Welcome to the Cambridge Primary Teacher Guide for Science.
This guide is designed to provide a suggested approach to the implementation
and management of Cambridge Primary in your school.
It offers:
• An introduction to the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework
• Step- by- step guidance on the planning process, with exemplification at each
point and helpful teacher training activities with resources
• Advice on differentiation and how to integrate this into your teaching
• Suggested techniques for implementing formative assessment and
integrating this into your lesson planning
• Sample lesson plans with activities and resources to help get you started
• Advice on monitoring
• Advice on classroom practice
• Advice on resources
• Information on Progression Tests and Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests
• Guidance on support and training available from Cambridge
• Guidance on administration
A comprehensive scheme of work
In addition to extracts provided in this guide, a full scheme of work covering
the entire programme has been provided to help you get started. As we will
explain, a scheme of work is a process rather than a rigid structure and these
plans should be constantly amended in response to your own observations as
a classroom teacher and other local considerations including the resources you may already have available at your school. These schemes of work are therefore in no way compulsory and simply offer a suggested starting point for covering the content of the curriculum within a suggested year of three terms each of 10 weeks duration. These can be expanded to suit the number of weeks available
in your own terms and the holiday arrangements at your school.
Sample lesson plans are also provided to help get you started immediately at
whichever point you begin delivering the programme.
Dianna Helferty –
I envy your work, regards for all the useful articles.