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    Posted by missy on 28th August 2019 at 9:54 pm

    <span style=”color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>Arjun sees Nisha and says this woman has problem with me, Jiya says you have problem with everyone? Arjun says those who mess with me never stay happy. Jiya sees rat coming near them, she is about to scream but Arjun stops her, he takes rat and throws it out of room, rat makes noise. Samar and Nisha sees rat. Chinni says now are you satisfied? Nisha says lets go Samar. Nisha comes out of house and says to Samar I felt someone in house, Samar says we will keep an eye on them, Samar calls guard and asks him to keep an eye on Kaki’s house. Chinni says how dare that woman give us money? Arjun asks who were those people? Chinni says some old relatives.</span>

    Jiya gives money to Arjun and says sorry, you must be late, you can leave now. Kaki says you should eat food first. Arjun says I will take it and leave, I have to take client. Jiya says see you again, Arjun thinks I became see-saw because of her, I get lost when she is infront of me, he looks at Nisha’s money and leaves. Jiya says to Kaki that I have comeback, Adi will be back too. Chinni says my wishes are being fulfilled. Jiya says Nisha was misbehaving so much, I wanted to slap her but we have to be careful. Kaki says I dont want to lose you again. Jiya says Nisha’s time is ending, we will make a plan and execute it when she is least expecting it, Chinni says what plan? Jiya thinks about Arjun’s words that those who mess with me doesnt stay happy, that he attack them when they dont expect it, she says I am happy. Chinni says where is Nisha’s money? Jiya says did that cab driver(Arjun) took money? Kaki says did he steal? Jiya says he did so much nice, maybe he took it as debt.

    Arjun drinks wine and says to Babblu that I got so much money today, flashback shows when Kaki went to brought food for Arjun, he stole Nisha’s money. Arjun asks Babblu to just enjoy. They start dancing and drinking. Arjun suddenly remember blurry flashbacks of him and Jhanvi when they were together, how they got married. Babblu asks what happened? Arjun says I see someone’s face constantly.

    Jiya gets ready as Jhanvi. Chinni says we are ready Jhanvi Maa. Jiya says dont call me Maa otherwise my modeling career will end, Chinni says you are a model? she says yes. Kaki comes there and is shocked to see her in saree, sindoor and mangalsutra, she says my daughter in law have come back, Jiya says I am not Jhanvi, she was simple and innocent but Jiya is smart and clever, I wont let injustice happen with you, she asks Chinni if she brought everything? Chinnni says yes, Jiya says great.

    Nisha and Samar comes home, Nisha says there will party here today for our success. Samar says we can party when deal is finalized. Nisha says tomorrow papers will be signed so we cant party today, we should thank Jindal family as they did our work in the end too, she starts drinking wine, he smiles and leaves. Nisha sees Jhanvi’s picture on wall and is stunned. She calls servant and asks who put this photo here? how did it come here? servant says I dont know, she screams to remove it. Samar comes there and sees Jhanvi’s photo too. Servant tries to remove photo from wall but black tears start following from Jhanvi’s eyes in photo, Samar says this must be scientific thing. Servant is about to remove photo but Nisha stops him, Nisha takes off photo and pours kerosene on it, she lights photo on fire, Samar looks on. She leaves.

    Nisha comes to her room and says who put Jhanvi’s photo there? Arjun calls out to her from garden. Arjun and Babblu are drunk. Arjun shouts for Nisha. Nisha comes to balcony and asks who are you? Arjun says thank you for money, you dont recognize me now but you will see it soon. Nisha tries to see his face but Arjun is hiding behind bushes. Nisha asks Samar to check, he goes to check in garden but Babblu has already taken Arjun away.

    Nisha comes to her room and says this day is bad. She opens cupboard and finds saree which Jhanvi was wearing when Nisha shot her,she thinks how Jhanvi’s saree came here? Samar comes there. Nisha throws saree at him, he says Jhanvi’s saree here? she says you know color of her saree too? he says what are you saying? whats wrong with you? Nisha says you dont know anything? Nisha comes to Samar and points knife at his neck, she says you are trying to play my game on myself and thought I wouldnt get to know it? what do you want to do? you said you dont remember past but wants to make me feel guilty, when I burned Jhanvi’s things in office, you got angry and is showing me her things, even after years you cry for her, you want to make me weak then prove me mental and take all property from me, your thinking is too small for me. Nisha says you are living luxury life because of me, you dont have any standard, if you try to blackmail me then I wont spare you.

    Samar pushes her away and says you are a mental and I dont have to prove it, I have always been with you, I am not interested in your games and property, crazy girl. Nisha says to Samar that if you recognize my nature then I am familiar with your nature too, Kaki and Chinni cant do this then who else can be doing this? its you who is doing it, she strangles him with Jhanvi’s saree, he shouts to stop it, he pushes her away and says you are crazy. She screams that yes I am crazy.

    Nisha and Samar look in the house and leave when they don’t find anyone.

    Arjun is with Bablu. He says this is pub. I come here often. Bablu says this looks expensive. Arjun orders bear and biryani. Arjun says such a big hotel and you don’t have biryani. Bring shots. Arjun says turn AC towards me. Waiter says its centrally air conditioned. Bablu says lets go from here. Arjun says I have money don’t worry. Samar comes there.

    Arjun has his back towards him. Samar sits and drinks. She recalls Nisha insulting him and saying you are a loser. You are alive and living this life because of me. He says what does she think of herself. She shouted at me. Arjun gets up from his seat. He walks past Samar. He asks waiter about washroom. Samar is busy drinking. He is too drunk and falls. Arjun holds him and says are you brother? Samar is dazed to see his face. Samar recalls Adi and how he killed him. Samar says Adi.. He shoves. Arjun says are you mad. I was trying to help you. He beats Samar and slaps him. Samar falls down and passes out. Bablu says what did you do. Arjun says he shoved me.

    Jia is out. She says is aunt sharda ready? Kaki says where are we going? Jia says its a surprise. They sit in the car. The song ‘phir lay aya dil’ plays on radio. Jia recalls Adi used to sing it for her. Jia says this song.. I don’t like hindi songs. I really like this one.

    Arjun’s friend are taking him home. He is drunk and singing the same song.

    Jia Kaki and Chini come to a house. Jia says this is your new house. Chini says this is so pretty. She checks whole house. Kaki says thats such a good temple. Chini says we knew you would bring our happiness back. Kaki says how did you do all this? Jia says come let me show you the whole house. There is a massage chair for you. Kaki says you came as lakshmi before too. Jia says I found my answers and family in you. I was so alone. Now I feel like the happiest girl. Chini says don’t ever leave us. jia says I wont. I have to get you what is yours. Chini says I want to live you forever like this.

    Samar wakes up in his house. He recalls fight with Arjun. He says it was Adi. No. My eyes can’t be fooled. I have to tell Nisha. Nisha comes there. She says you drank so much and fought in the bar. You caan’t handle it. If people in media find out and publish it? He says you won’t believe I saw Adi in bar. Nisha says what? He says trust me it was him. Nisha says stop talking rubbish. You were so drunk. You could even see Jhanvi. He says trust me it was him. I fought him in the bar. She gives him anti depressants and says take them. You have guilt in you. If you saw Adi you would hug him and not hit him. Adi and Jhanvi are dead. You can’t get Jhanvi by beating adi in your imagination. Just because I am not reacting doesn’t mean I don’t get it. He says trust me it was adi. She says don’t waste my time. Are you trying to scare me? He says why would I? She says could your plan.

    Adi sings song aye dil hai mushkil. Jhanvi comes there. Adi sings around her. Jhanvi said your voice is so peaceful. He said my peace is you. He came close to her. She said someone will see. He said we are married. Then Adi was shot by Nisha. Jia was seeing all this in her dreams. She wakes up worried. Kaki says is everything okay? Jia says saw a nightmare. Kaki hugs her. Jia says I always saw these dreams no one caressed me like this. Kaki says I am happy that Chini wont feel alone now either. Jia says Chini today is very important. Are you ready? She says yes.

    Nisha is watching Tv. Jia is on TV with her face hidden. She says its about a woman who did a big crime. This woman planned to kill her parentts and killed his husband. She wrote a crime story. Nisha is dazed. Jia says she thought that she will run away but our past comes with us like a shadow. Nisha breaks the TV.

    jia says I hacked nisha’s cable and my video playing on all her channel. Chini says we also put a spy camera in her house. Chini says see her reaction. Kaki says don’t take these risks. Chini says we had to scare her.

    Nisha calls cable stattion and says only one channel is working? The call is diverting to Jia and chini. Samar comes and says what happened? She says you are doing all this to prove me mad. He says shut up. Enough I didn’t do anything. Jia and Chini look in the screen and smile.

    Arjun and Bablu are on bike. Diwali celebrations are going on road. Arjun says lets join them. He goes in the people and dances with them.

    Jia comes therre and says to policemen why is there so much crowd? He says that is how we celebrate here. Not by cutting cakes in house. Shee says do your work or I will.

    Kaki saays my Jhanvi is back. thank God. bring adi back too. Give us some signal. A flower falls. Kaki says I am sure Adi will come back too. Jia asks people to move aside. She looks at Adi dancing in the crowd. Jia is dazed. Jia says Adi.. She looks at him shocked. Arjun is dancing. Jia recalls her time with Adi. She looks at him shocked. Suddenly he disappears in the crowd. Jia looks for him everywhere. Adi is dancing in front of idol. Jia says adi.. but it some other man. She says sorry. Chini comes and says what happened? She says I saw Adi here. He was here? Chini says papa? jia says yes look for him.

    Chini and Jia come home. Jia says to Kaki I saw adi. Kaki says I just prayed today.

    Adi is having food with bablu. Bablu says find a job please that is respectable or I will go on food strike. Arjun says okay then start it. Bablu says you are not going to do anything. Arjun says let me eat. He eats it. Arjun says I havee work already.

    the driver of Nisha calls driver and says the job is done. Arjun says now I will do a big game. Bablu says she might get you jaailed you because you did drama in front of her house. Arjun says I have to go there. Lets see what happens.

    Jia says he was there and dancing. He was Adi. Kaki saays God is doing all this. Chini says ma papa both are back. Kaki says i am sure adi will come back. God has written this for Nisha. The driver comes to Nisha and says the nephew I talked about for job is here. Nisha says ask him to sit in waiting area. Arjun comes to the waiting area.

    Samar is taking Nisha somewhere. She says where are you taking me? He says sit here. I know you wont trust me. I have cctv footage of yesterday. She says its a sheer wait of time. Arjun sees Samar. He says what should i do now. Its the same guy.

    Samar shows Nisha cctv. It has Arjun in it. Nisha says this is impossible. Adi can’t come back. Samar says you didn’t trust me trust your eyes now. Nisha says adi is dead. This can’t happen. She picks her knife. Arjun is scared. Nisha stabs the curtain repeatedly in anger and says this can’t happen. The curtain falls down. She looks behind. Adi is there. Nisha is dazed to see him. Arjun waves. She recalls Adi. Nisha is shocked. Adi is in front of her. Arjun says madam I am nephew of driver. I am sorry. Nisha says stay away from me. He says why are you scared madam? Nishs shows him knife and says stay away. Arjun says I am here for job. Nisha says go from here. She falls on sofa and faints.

    Nisha faints. Arjun says what happened to her? Driver says I asked you to wait outside. Arjun says I got this one chance. Arjun pours water on her face. She wakes up and screams. Driver says he is arjun my nephew. Arjun says my name is Arjun. I am from Dehli. I really need this job. Nisha says go from here right now. He says please take my interview. Please give me this job. Please. She says stay away from here. She asks driver to take him away. Driver says he is a good guy. Please hire him. Nisha says if he goes from here I will think about it. Arjun says keep in mind I am very useful. He leaves. Samar comes out. He says I told you. Nisha says we have to find out who he is. Follow him, find out where he lives. Where is he from. We have to know this truth.

    missy replied 5 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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