NPOWER TRANSITION: FCT Abuja releases strict data update instructions for beneficiaries

Good evening dear FCT volunteers.
Many things concerning the Npower programme have recently taken place few weeks ago. Different kinds of information about Volunteers were asked. Some were genuine while a lot were fake.
The reasons for requesting the volunteers to submit their details were two.
- A request to Focal Persons from Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs Disaster Management and Social Development to compile a comprehensive list of already exited volunteers (those who have exited prior to the final disengagement of the volunteers in the month of June and July, 2020).
Though many states will not have the comprehensive list, some don’t even have any at all.
- Recently a template was sent to Focal Persons to get the the volunteers to write their NPVN ID, their names and to indicate if they are interested in the Transition Please.
So based on request NO.1 above, many states came up with different ways of collecting information from their volunteers. These were shared on various social media, there by causing lots of confusion.
FCT already has a comprehensive data of all volunteers that absconded, resigned or died during the programme (except those that resigned online and those that absconded from their places of work and reported to Npower Head office by the Npower Monitoring team).
Similarly we have the data of all those that applied for reposting from one PPA to another and even few women that applied for maternity leave officially.
Therefore with the records we have, I don’t think we will need any information from volunteers regarding the first request from the Ministry.
However, regarding the second request in which the Ministry is requesting the Focal Persons to get the details of volunteers that are interested in transition programme, we have decided to share the forms with you via your whatapp group chat and other channels.
Therefore, you are please expected to organize yourselves according to your PPA. Choose a coordinator among you that will coordinate the filling of the form. Once the form has been filled by the volunteers in a particular PPA, the coordinator will get the list typed and send it to
Please NOTE the followings:
- Only forms filled by the volunteers in their respective PPAs and sent to the email by the selected coordinator will be accepted.
- Submission of details through SMS, whatpp will also not be accepted.
- Submission by an individual will not be entertained (it has to be collectively done).
- Any volunteer that is still keeping or still holding any materials that belongs to his/her PPA or school records and did not submit it back to his PPA will have his name removed from the list after compilation.
Kindly follow the above instructions strictly.
Thank you.
Yerima A. B.
FCT Npower Head